Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who's been there before.
We've only been at this since September, our home study is done, our profile is done, we are on a waiting list and our profile is in a stack of ones to be shown.
Someone who has been there last night just looked me square in the eyes last night and said the words, "It. WILL. Happen."
Because at this point I'm just kinda numb, we did so much and now we're just down to waiting. And people keep asking if I've heard anything, I feel like making a shirt that says "A couple weeks to a couple years."
I know our lives will change in an instant, but I have lived the last 7 years telling myself it isn't going to happen. Tears, pounds of chocolate, and less prayers than there should have been for most of that. I was just thinking last night that the biggest difference between actually being pregnant and being on a waiting list is the fact with pregnancy you can feel and see growth.
My growth in this will be my back bone, my patience, and our marriage.
The other growth would be the attachment of my phone being on me or near me at all times. It's now an appendage.
2011 just started, this year will be a year for growth in so many ways, but most importantly I pray that we grow with God first in my mind in all we do. With God all things are possible. That doesn't mean it will be easy, that doesn't mean it will be what we want, but it will always be what we need. And in HIS time.
Waaaaaiting is the haaardest part. (name that tune!:)