Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ok... 2 more days.

Yesterday did not go the way I thought it would at all.  Shawn ended up staying home from work still sick and I ended up switching sections of Chemistry because my professor was ridiculous.  So by the time I got done with class and being on campus it was 7:30pm. Still had to come home and make dinner and had an accounting assignment due by midnight that I had not even started. 

I just kept fumbling over the paper work in my back pack but the only thing on campus is USPS and I was NOT going to use them.  Not after everything else I've gone through with them.  But the fumbling over the paper needing to pull other things out, it just felt like everything was purposly getting in my way. 

So I took a deep breath before I fell asleep and told myself and prayed that there would be an opportunity today to send it. 

I woke up, my husband was feeling a lot better so he said he was going to go to work after Wednesday morning Bible class.  So we ate breakfast and he dropped me off at work on his way to the church building to work on the stuff he missed out on doing over the weekend because he was sick.  I was elbow deep in work whenever I got his call, so I checked it and to my horror he sounded awful.  He sounded like he did the last time he was sick and passed out.  I had no car, no way to get to him immediately.  I had to yell to get him to pay attentioin to me because it sounded like he was trailing off, which is what he does whenever he passes out.  So I called his doctors office and got an appointment for an hour from when I called and then called my sister to come get me. 

Upper respritory infection.

I had taken the paper work out of my backpack and moved it to the front seat so I would remember to do it today.  So I asked Shawn if we could just go to the UPS store and get it in the mail because I felt like stuff keeps coming up and we just need to do it.  He said he was feeling a bit better so it should be ok as long as it didn't take a long time. 

I pulled it out and checked all the signatures and all the places I needed to check and made sure for the 200th time that it was filled out.  Amazingly it was all done just the same as it was last time.  I took a deep breath and Shawn said a prayer, and then I started crying.  I've not experienced the happy and terrified at the same time feeling in a while. 

So took the paperwork into UPS and they got it all addressed and sent.  Tracking number and insurance included.  It should be there Friday which means I probably wont hear anything from them until next week at least. But its out of our hands now.  In His hands. 

So step one of 2003929202 done :) 

Next up. Scheduling our home study :)

We covet your prayers on our behalf through all this.