Got a call from our potential agency last week asking if there was any way we could speed up the home study process.
There is a lot we could do to speed it up, yes... but we are waiting on the federal government, so what are the chances that they are doing any kind of hurrying? :)
We are waiting on our federal back ground check, which could take up to 30 days. It's been 2 1/2 weeks and we don't have anything back yet so I'm guessing we will get it on day 30. Yes, part of me is saying that in hopes it shows up a lot sooner... but I may have just double jinxed myself.
Our home visit is this Saturday at 2, where she will look through our house to make sure if a child moved in that our house would not kill him or her.
This would be the week that our seasonal mouse has moved in. We don't have any traps other than the sticky ones and though the sticky one worked in sticking the mouse to the trap last year, it was still alive for hours after and thats just gross and wrong on so many levels. We keep forgetting to get traps on the way home, but I will get them today. Shawn will set them because I snaped my finger in one once and now am afraid of the mouse traps. Wimp? maybe.
I was telling Erin last night that I know while we are sitting and talking with our social worker that the mouse will run across the floor. But hopefully it will be caught and dead before then. It happens every year, our house backs up to a farm so we get field mice. Usually just in the fall but one or two have shown up in the spring too.
In everything we have done for this process so far, I have been amazed at the hand of God in all of it. I know He is there in all we do, but it has never been as apparent as it has been through this process. How quickly and obviously prayers have been answered. How quickly plans have changed and easily those changes are established.
This coming Monday is our 8th Anniversary, next Tuesday is my birthday... A part of me wants to be excited that maybe, Lord willing, this time next year we may be parents. But a part of me will wait to be excited until we are free and clear of our home study, our agency has officially approved us and is showing our profile, and we get a call.
Speaking of which, I have chosen a ring tone for our agency... "Take a Chance on Me" by Abba :) haha
Anyway, need to head to work and then come home and make some cakes and clean the house.
Thank God for the blessings He gives us.
Good song for that! :) It's amazing how things work out when it's the right time. HUGS