Monday, November 1, 2010

Strange world we live in...

There was a time in my life, not that long ago actually, that things angered me to the point that I just HAD to say something. 
But in the last couple of years, I've learned to pick my battles, knowing that anger only begets more anger.  Today I observed two groups of prideful, unforgiving, people argue. One set of people started attempting to hit the other while the store employees were holding them back.  I stood back with my finger on the speed dial 911 whenever it started to break up. Because I knew if I got into it, it would only make matters worse.  All of it because one group of people decided to call the other group of people one profane racist word.

How does this relate to our adoption?
We have no race preference, no gender preference.

Days like today I remember that I do, indeed, live in the south.  And whereas our immediate families and our family at the congregation we attend will have no problem with it,  other people will. There are still KKK rallies in this town.  And it caused me to reflect and really ask myself some serious questions. 

All of the answers I came up with kind of all narrowed down to one answer. 

Thank God every day that He does not look at what we look like on the outside. Thank God we are made in His image and we are all to work according to His purpose. Thank God He came up with adoption or we would all be in trouble. 

If we are blessed with a child whos skin color is different than ours, we will stand out. But how is that different than what we are called to do anyway? Be set apart.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the day when my brother and his wife were looking into adoption, they asked us if we would have a problem or view a child differently if they adopted a child outside their race.
    I was offended that they had to ask that question. Of course we didn't care! We would love them no matter what. But there are so many people out there, Christians and non-Christians that still have a hang up about such things.
    Amen on your thoughts about tahnking God.
