Saturday, August 7, 2010

Think about what you CAN eat.

Going through the major I'm in (nutrition), I'm told to tell those who have to go on restricted diets that they don't need to think about what they cannot eat but what they CAN eat.  A little over a year ago I became one of those people that needed to be told that.  It's different when it's yourself. I think later it will make it more personal when I tell someone that, to relate to them how hard it is.  I'm very lactose intolerant. VERY. Milk HATES me. And believe it or not, most people will become somewhat lactose intolerant at some point in their life.  People did not start high intake of milk and milk products until the invent of cereals. When milk became more readily available, ice cream became more available, as did cheese, and then whey began being added into things as well as other dry milk bi products. It's hard to not find cow milk in lots of things. Even things like processed chicken breasts, certain tomato sauces, and many other things you wouldn't expect. 

The total of what is "wrong" with me includes me going on a medication that dehydrates me.  My favorite warning on it is to not sweat or do anything that would cause me to sweat, but other than that I should be able to lead a normal life but to be monitored for kidney damage.  HA! Right.  So the natural way to treat what I have is to cut out dairy, added sugars, and yeast.  When I stay on top of my diet I don't feel bad, I don't feel lethargic, I don't feel sick.   This summer has been a lot of not sticking with it.  Between going to see family, vacations, potlucks, and bake sales... I am just tired all the time and my stomach HATES me. 

Brings me to supper tonight.  I've not taken any pictures of it because it was waffles. But I'll show you what I used :)

Before you freak out and write me off. I hate coconut. Coconut milk is a whole other bird. This particular kind is for every day use, I use the unsweetened kind.  It's 80 calories per 8oz cup, which is 10 calories less than skim milk.  There is some fat in it, but it's also a very thick texture, and most importantly, it only has a subtle coconut flavor and if you use salt it pretty much cancels any of that out.  Just gives it a deeper flavor. 

And as a side note, when I want ice cream or a milk shake...

It's sweetened with Agave nectar.
I CAN eat ice cream again!

Agave is a low glycemic NATURAL sweetener that doesnt numb your tongue like Stevia. It can be used in baking, but you have to be careful because it only comes in liquid form since it is a nectar.  It's kinda nifty that you can find it in the actual baking isle now, I still prefer to get it in the "natural" food section because the prices are generally better.  It's the new trendy thing, but it's been around for a while, so the chances of you finding it cheaper in what you would normally think to be the more expensive section, is pretty good.  Also Trader Joes has their brand for $1.99 just about every day.  It's certified organic, and I just trust TJs.  Anyway, this is what I have in my cabinet now, I got a coupon for a free bottle since I registered my email with their website a few months back:

It pays to sign up for email lists. I should also mention that I get free goat cheese that way too. I presently have a coupon screaming my name on the fridge that needs to be used. 

Anywho. I made the recipe out of the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook.  I substituted coconut milk for regular milk, reduced it by 1 TBS to add agave.  I used the oil and eggs, but a lot of times I substitute unsweetened apple sauce, but that tends to make it stick to my waffle iron no matter how much non stick spray I use.  After the waffles came out I used my non dairy spread.  Yes. Margerine. Sue me. Ok don't sue me. But I use it because it's what makes my stomach happy. Yes it's one molecule away from plastic. 

Turkey sausage... and a vegan banana chocolate chip muffin.  Holla.  Good day :)

Tomorrow is free range venison, root vegetables, and a diabetic dessert :) It's good to know where my meat comes from :)


  1. Do you use the cocout milk just for baking or is it good for drinking, too?

  2. Is the coconut milk you used found in the refrigerated section or on the shelf?

  3. I would not have thought to try coconut milk ... I'll have to check it out sometime!
